
Financialization of the Urban Market

The Milanese Case


2025 / 2026

Reaserch leader

Gabriele Pasqui

Research Team

Alberto Bortolotti

This research project proposes to frame the financialization complex affecting Milano as the progressive dominance of financial actors, instruments and practices affecting the urban market.


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Over the last two decades, the international literature has been increasingly focused on ‘financialization’, to be intended as the progressive dominance of financial actors, instruments and practices affecting the urban market. In this period, scholars like Esptein (2005), Leyshon & Thrift (2007), Krippner (2011), 
Gotham (2012), Christophers (2015), Raco et al. (2019), and Aalbers (2019) have conducted research on such a phenomenon which today needs to be more intensively investigated in Milano, precisely due to the increasing pressure that real estate put on the spatial planning of the city. This research project proposes to frame the financialization complex affecting Milano in technical terms by investigating: (i) the property investments in urban development and real estate management; (ii) the regulation, programming and planning instruments which enable the real estate finance; (iii) actors who operate in the urban market to foster the financialization. 

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