
Migration and Urban Space

Plans, Projects, and Policies How and why should we talk about this?


19 febbraio 2025 14:00


Building 29 (Carta) Piano rialzato P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 26

A seminar series promoted by

Paola Briata and Martina Bovo (DAStU, Politecnico di Milano)

Image credits

Victor Locuratolo (Vito)

The relationship between planning tools and migrant spaces is relatively underexplored in academic debates. While various administrations have developed responses to migration, most planning tools lack a shared reflection on migrants’ specific needs, and their interactions with native populations. 

What types of descriptions of people, places, and practices are needed to plan for areas where established populations and newcomers live? What are the planning experiences and tools from the EU to local levels in migration contexts?
 How can these topics be included in urban planning and architecture teaching? 

This three-day seminar series will engage international scholars, public administrations, civil society representatives, and Dastu scholars to address these questions.

To share reflections and strengthen networks, all seminars will variously involve colleagues from DAStU, including Alice Buoli, Carlotta Caciagli, Giada Casarin, Grazia Concilio, Marta Cordini, Emma Garavaglia, Maryam Karimi, Paola Piscitelli, Costanzo Ranci, Alice Ranzini, Stefania Sabatinelli

Scheduled events:

February 19th 2025 | 14:00-17:45
Building 29 (Carta) Piano rialzato – P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 26
Migration and Urban Space: Which Policies and Planning Tools?

Keynotes: Carlotta Fioretti (EUI JRC Expert); Francesco Lo Piccolo, Vincenzo Todaro (Università di Palermo) 
Gabriele Pasqui (DASTU) dialogues with Ilda Curti (formerly Comune di Torino, Social Projects Manager) 
. . .
March 18th 2025 | 14:30-17:30
Building 12, second floor – Via Bonardi, 3
Migration and Urban Space: What about teaching on this issue?

Keynotes: Camille Gardesse
(Ecole d’Urbanisme de Paris); Heike Hanhörster (TU Berlin, Institute of Urban and Regional Planning) 
Roundtable: Massimo Bricocoli, Marta Cordini, Carolina Pacchi, Paola Savoldi (DAStU) 

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